
After studying in Marburg I completed my training as paediatrician focusing on neonatology and intensive care at Charité/Berlin and the Ernst von Bergmann Clinic/Potsdam. After this I worked as a ward physician and finally senior physician. To allow me to work more autonomously I started working in outpatient medical care in the Friedrichshain district in 2005. Each and every day I can see this was the right decision. My current work environment is very motivating and I am happy to be able to provide care for children and their families for a long time. My experience in neonatology is beneficial here, so one focus is working with newborns and infants. But of course it’s also important to me to provide the patients with child-oriented, professional care beyond the first year. I therefore draw on all resources modern medicine has to offer to provide children with the optimal development opportunities.

As a training facility (among other things in cooperation with Charité) we offer future colleagues advanced training opportunities. I am further involved in the field of paediatrics as an examiner for paediatricians.

My experience in outpatient medicine has shown that families should receive even more optimal care. To ensure they receive this I introduced the new standard “familycare”. This now provides families with truly comprehensive care.

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